Post-Match Reaction | PK on Australia Cup win

Head Coach Patrick Kisnorbo shared his thoughts following Tuesday night’s Australia Cup Round of 32 win.

On the performance…

“I thought it was ok. We did some really good things.”

“There’s still a lot of work to do, but I’m happy that the squad is coming along.”

“We had a great debut from Alex Lee. It’s really impressive that we’re bringing young kids from our academy to play in the senior team.”

“I was happy with the way we scored the goals, some great play.”

“But also the way we worked and pressed that was really positive.”

On emphasising young players coming through…

“It’s a bit of a catch-22 – we want to play young kids, but only if they’re suited and ready for our environment.”

“Alex Lee is one of them, but there are other young players training with us.”

“I was really happy with Alex’s adaptation to the first team level.”

On playing a strong team in the Cup…

“I’ll play the best players available.”

“For me, that was the team that deserved to start. I think they did a great job.”

“But there are a lot of players coming through and it’s great to have competition in the squad, because that promotes good learnings and people training harder.”