2009 Kevin Muscat Clinic photos online now

The 2009 Kevin Muscat Clinic, which was held on October 10 and 11 and exclusive to registered Melbourne Victory members, was another great success this season.

The 2009 Kevin Muscat Clinic, which was held on October 10 and 11 and exclusive to registered Melbourne Victory members, was another great success this season.

More than 600 juniors took part over the weekend, with participants rotating through a series of skill based drills, including heading, passing, shooting and defending against Melbourne Victory players.

The weather has been unkind to the Kevin Muscat Clinic over previous years, but thankfully the sun was shining brightly for the 2009 edition, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all involved.

Players from Melbourne Victory, Melbourne Victory Youth and Melbourne Victory Women took part, while the juniors showed no fear when coming up against the likes of Archie Thompson and Carlos Hernandez.

The club appreciates the support of all parents and guardians who took time out of their weekend to support this year’s Kevin Muscat Clinic.

Exclusive to participating juniors, photos were taken at the clinic and are now accessible via password by clicking here.

Parents and guardians of the participating juniors have been emailed password access. If not received, please contact membership on membership@mvfc.com.au.