Melbourne Victory Football Club wishes to advise that Trent Jacobs has decided to move on from his role as Chief Executive Officer.
Jacobs informed Club Chairman Anthony Di Pietro earlier in the week, that after 13 years at the Club (CEO since March 2018), he felt it was the right time to depart.
Victory Chairman, Anthony Di Pietro, thanked Jacobs on behalf of the Board for his extended service and tenure at the Club.
“We would like to thank Trent for his contribution to the Club. He has played a significant role in the growth of Melbourne Victory over a long period of time, driving revenues, strategy and developing new areas of the business,” Di Pietro said.
“He has worked tirelessly during his tenure, particularly through the COVID-19 pandemic and we look forward to properly acknowledging Trent’s achievements as the season reaches its conclusion.”
Outgoing CEO, Trent Jacobs outlined the timing of his decision.
“With a refresh of our football department due to occur when Tony Popovic takes the helm for next season, now is the right time to depart the Club as it heads towards a new era both on and off the pitch,” Jacobs said.
“It has been a very difficult 14 months, in particular through COVID-19, and after reflecting over the past few weeks I made the difficult decision not to continue in the Chief Executive role.
“I want to spend more time with my family, who have supported me incredibly over this period, and take some time to consider my future and next steps. That said, I leave with many wonderful memories, experiences and achievements over the 13 years and thank everyone at the Club for their support.”
Following Jacobs’ decision, the Board confirmed that Caroline Carnegie would be stepping in as the Managing Director of the Club.
Carnegie brings a wealth of experience to the role being a current Director and Company Secretary at Melbourne Victory and a Partner at global law firm, K&L Gates. Carnegie will take a hiatus from her legal practice to take on the position.
Carnegie has extensive experience in the sporting industry having worked with several sporting organisations including (among others) North Melbourne Football Club, Melbourne Rebels, Melbourne Renegades and Netball Australia on a range of legal and commercial projects.
She led the legal team for unbundling of the professional leagues, on behalf of the A-League Clubs and is a member of the Football Australia Women’s Council.
Her appointment will see her become the first female to lead the administration of a Club in the Australian Professional Football Leagues.
Carnegie has been tasked with completing the review and transformation of Melbourne Victory that is currently underway. This will include developing a new Club strategy, including a succession plan at the appropriate time, in line with the appointment of Tony Popovic.
Carnegie will start immediately, while Jacobs will continue to assist the Club for a number of weeks to facilitate a smooth transition.